The USA never enjoyed good relations with Iran. This all started back in 1979, when the USA opposed the Islamic rule in Iran which the former attributed as something that is causing human rights violations in this country. In response the latter took control over the American embassy forcefully which caused both nations to grow hostile and cold towards each other.
However, in the current times, the USA might face some kind of retaliation from Iran. This is of course because Iran’s relations with the USA are worsening. This has been evident since Trump was targeted by Iranian assassins right after he was declared as the new American President. Right now, Iran is threatening that they might take action against the USA in case the nation does something that the Iranian government does not like. So let us find out what this matter is and whether there will be a war between the USA and Iran.
What Is the Matter Between the USA and Iran?
Recently Iran has been reported to have developed itself into a nation having a strong nuclear power. The nation’s nuclear program which has been in action since the 1950s has reportedly been able to develop nuclear weapons for mass destruction. Although the Iranian government has not revealed what type of nuclear weapons they have and how many of them are in their possession, they have stated that the USA needs to fear them since they are no longer a nation that will have to follow their demands by force.
Iran has also made its ties with China and Russia strong as well. What is even more shocking is that this nation is forcing Italy to sever all ties with the American government or face violence. This had happened after the Italian government wanted to help the US in inspecting Iranian drones which attacked a US outpost in Jordan leading to the death of several American soldiers.
The USA has also claimed that Iran deployed soldiers in the Israel Palestine war which made the conflict worse. Although Israel fought off these troops successfully, the nation along with the USA has condemned such an action calling it an act of war. So Iran’s relations have worsened not just with the USA but also with many other countries. This can be a cause of war in the future very soon if Iran continues to be aggressive towards the USA.
Final Word
It is not yet clear as to whether a war between the USA and Iran will even happen or not. President Donald Trump is trying his best to make relations with Iran better again. But he is saying that a war might become inevitable very soon.
It is also not clear as to why Iran is suddenly being so aggressive towards the USA. Some rumors suggest that this is a part of Iran’s plan towards achieving an Islamic rule across many nations for which it is funding terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas. In fact, this might be the reason why many European nations are suddenly experiencing a rise in illegal Muslim immigrants and attacks from them as well. However, nothing as such has been proven with solid evidence. But it is confirmed that conflicts might happen between these two countries.